Scientific and Technical Resources


Estévez, R. A., Godoy, N., Araya, M., Azocar, C., de la Barra, C., Bardi, F., Fernández-Urzúa, F., García, M., Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Lomonico, S., Medina, M., Naretto, J., Ojeda, F. P., Pequeño, G., Ponce, F., Pulgar, J., Pérez-Matus, A., Rivera, J., Smith, A., … Gelcich, S. (2024). Using expert knowledge to propose recreational marine reef-fish management measures in Chile. Conservation Science and Practice, 6(2), e13057. 


Naretto J, Contreras V, Munizaga J L, Bujes D, Hiriart-Bertrand L (2023). Base de datos biogeográfica del Fondo de Investigación Pesquera y de Acuicultura (1999-2019), Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura. Version 1.1. Subsecretaría de Pesca y Acuicultura. Sampling event dataset


Gozzer-Wuest R, Vinatea Chávez RA, Olea Stranger G, Araya Goncalves G, Hiriart-Bertrand L, Labraña-Cornejo R and Alonso-Población E (2023) Identifying priority areas for improvement in Chilean fisheries. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1073397. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1073397


Anbleyth-Evans J, Hiriart-Bertrand L, Araos F, Iwama A, Henriquez-Antipa L. (2022) Enhancing Bio-Cultural Management in Indigenous Marine Areas in Chile. SSRN Electronic Journal. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.4088782


Karr KA, Miller V, Coronado E, Olivares-Bañuelos NC, Rosales M, Naretto J, Hiriart-Bertrand L, Vargas-Fernández C, Alzugaray R, Puga R, Valle S, Osman LP, Chamorro J, Ide M, Rader D and Fujita R (2021) Identifying Pathways for Climate-Resilient Multispecies Fisheries. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:721883. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.721883 Link 


Ulloa O, Correa A, Urbina M. 2021. Océano y mares en la nueva Constitución.  En: “Una Constitución socioecológica para Chile: Propuestas integradas de la Red de Constitucionalismo Ecológico” (eds L. Galdámez, S. Millaleo  & B. Saavedra) Pehuén Editores. pp. 77-79  Link


Friedlander A., Ballestero E., Aguila N., Caro R., Caro L., Carocca C., Goodell W., Hiriart-Bertrand L., Hüne M., Mayorga J., Menéndez N., Muñoz A., Salinas-de-León P., Tardones C., Velasco C., & Sala E. 2021. Reserva Nacional Kawésqar: Conocimiento tradicional, Biodiversidad y Recomendaciones para la Protección del Territorio. Informe de las Expediciones de National Geographic Prostine Seas y Comunidades Kawésqar por la Defensa del Mar y Comunidad Yaghan de Bahía de Mejillones. Febrero 2021.  Link


Fernández, M.,  Rodríguez, M., Gelcich, S., Hiriart-Bertrand, L. &  Castilla, JC. 2021. Advances and Challenges in Marine Conservation in Chile: a regional and global comparison. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. Link


Naretto J, Poulin E, Hureau J.C., 2021. Harpagiferidae, in: Gon O, et al. Fishes of the Southern Ocean. Second edition. In press.


C.A. González-Wevar, N.I. Segovia, S. Rosenfeld, D. Noll, C.S. Maturana, M. Hüne, J. Naretto, K. Gérard, A. Díaz, H.G. Spencer, T. Saucède, J.-P. Féral, S.A. Morley, P. Brickle, N.G. Wilson & E. Poulin. 2021. Contrasting biogeographical patterns in Margarella (Gastropoda: Enero, 2021 Calliostomatidae: Margarellinae) across the Antarctic Polar Front. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 156. Link


Naretto J, Maturana C, Poulin E, Hune M, Gonzalez C & K. Gerard. 2020. Harpagifer of the Southern Ocean. v1.2. Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad. Dataset/Occurrence. Link


Hiriart-Bertrand, L. & Naretto, J., 2020. Embrace Indigenous knowledge to establish Marine and Coastal Areas of Indigenous Peoples in Chile. ICCA Consortium. Link


Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Silva, J.A., Gelcich, S., 2020. Challenges and opportunities of implementing Marine and Coastal Areas for Indigenous Peoples policy in Chile. Ocean and Coastal Management. Volume 193, 1 August 2020, 105233. Link


Marquet, P. A., M. Fernández, P. Pliscoff, C. Smith-Ramírez, E. Arellano, J. Armesto, R. Bustamante, P. Camus, A. P. Durán, C. Echeverría, T. Fuentes-Castillo, A. Gaxiola, C. Gaymer, S. Gelcich, R. Hucke-Gaete, D. Manuschevich, M. J. Martínez-Harms, J. Naretto, V. Quirici, P. Ramírez de Arellano, H. Samaniego y M. Tironi 2019. Áreas protegidas y restauración en el contexto del cambio climático en Chile. Informe de la mesa Biodiversidad. Santiago: Comité Científico COP25; Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación. Link


Hiriart-Bertrand L., Troncoso J., Vargas C., Correa A. 2019. From Customary Law to the Implementation of Safeguard Measures: the case of Marine and Coastal Areas for Indigenous People in Chile. In: Marine and Fisheries Policies in Latin America: A Comparison of Selected Countries (eds M. Ruiz, R. Oyanedel, and B. Monteferri) Routledge from Earthscan Publishing. pp. 137-146. Link


Naretto J., Hiriart-Bertrand L., Naretto C. 2019. Biodiversity catalog of Marine Coastal Areas of Indigenous People (MCAIPs / ECMPOs), Chile. Version 1.2. Costa Humboldt. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Occurrence dataset: Link


Maturana C, Rosenfeld S, Naretto J, Convey P, Poulin E, Lopez Z, Gerard K, Contador T, Rendoll J, Jackson J. 2018. Occurrences of Boeckella at high latitudes in the southern hemisphere. Version 1.1. Universidad de Magallanes. Global Biodiversity Information Facility. Occurrence dataset. Link


González-Wevar C, Gérard K., Rosenfeld S., Poulin E., Saucede T., Naretto J., Díaz A., Morley S. & P. Brickle. 2018. Cryptic speciation in Southern Ocean Aequiyoldia eight-six (Jay, 1839): Mio-Pliocene trans-Drake separation and diversification. Progress In Oceanography: in press. Link


González-Wevar C., N. Segovia, S. Rosenfeld, J. Ojeda, M. Hüne, J. Naretto, T. Saucède, P. Brickle, S. Morley, J. P. Féral, H. Spencer & E. Poulin. 2018. The unexpected absence of island endemics: Long-distance dispersal in higher latitude sub-Antarctic Siphonaria (Gastropoda: Euthyneura) species. J Biogeogr.:1–11. Link


Perez-Matus, A., Hiriart-Bertrand, L.,  Mora, A., & Fernandez, I. 2017. Evaluación ecológica de la Anchoveta y los hábitas costeros dominados por Macroalgas pardas en el norte grande de Chile: Mejorando el conocimiento ecosistémico para el manejo pesquero (Informe Técnico). Oceana, Chile.  Link


Hiriart-Bertrand, L. 2016. Nachhaltige Nutzung der Meeresressourcen. ila, Mapuche (399) 24-25. Germany. Link


Pütz, K., Raya Rey, A., Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Simeone, A., Reyes-Arriagada, R., & Lüthi B., 2016. Post-moult movements of sympatrically breeding Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in south-central Chile. Global Ecology and Conservation 7(49-58). Link


Correa, A. 2016. Governance of Protected Areas and its necessary incorporation into the bill that creates the Biodiversity Agency. Revista de Derecho Ambiental del Centro de Derecho Ambiental de la Universidad de Chile. 6(224-239). Link


Reyes Arriagada, R., Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Riquelme, V., Simeone, A., Pütz, K., Luthi, B. and Raya Rey, A. 2013. Population Trends of a Mixed-Species Colony of Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in Southern Chile After Establishing a Protected Area. Avian Conservation and Ecology 8(2): 13. Link


Rey, A., Pütz, K., Simeone, A, Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Reyes Arriagada, R., Riquelme, V., and Luthi, B. 2013. Comparative Foraging Behaviour of Sympatric Breeding Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins Reveals Sex- and Species-Specific Interactions. Emu Austral Ornithology 113: 145-153. Link


Letelier, S., P. Báez, ME. Ramírez, A. Rebolledo, E. Soto & J. Naretto. 2013. Biotopos marinos intermareales y submareales (Crucero CIMAR 16 Fiordos) desde el Estrecho de Magallanes al Canal Beagle. Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile. 62: 147-157. Link


Soto E., Báez P, Ramírez M, Letelier S, Naretto J. & A. Rebolledo. 2012. Biotopos marinos intermareales entre Canal Trinidad y Canal Smyth, Sur de Chile. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía Vol. 47(2): 177-191. Link


Gonzales, A., Beltrán, J., Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Flores, V., De Reviers, B., Correa, J.L. and Santelices, B. 2012. Identification of the Lessonia nigrescens Complex (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales). Journal of Phycology 48(5): 1153-1165. Link


Pütz, K., Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Simeone, A., Riquelme, V., Reyes Arriagada, R., and Luthi, B. 2011. Entanglement and Drowning of a Magellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) in a Gill Net Recorder by a Time-Depth Recorded in Southern Chile. Waterbirds 34(1): 121-125. Link


Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Simeone, A., Reyes Arriagada, R., Riquelme, V., Pütz, K., and Luthi, B. 2010. Description of a Mixed-Species Colony of Humboldt (Spheniscus humboldti) and Magellanic Penguin (S. magellanicus) at Metalqui Island, Chiloe, Southern Chile. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 16(1):42-47. Link



Hiriart-Bertrand L, Caniullan D, Coñuecar Y. (2022) Dialogues for Marine Conservation and Artisanal Small-Scale Fisheries: a Vision from Artisanal SSF, Seeking Equity, Social Justice, Sustainability and Peace. United Nations Ocean Conference, Lisbon, Portugal 27th June- 1st July 2022. 
Vergara-Caro V, Borras-Chavez R, Castillo-González V, Hiriart-Bertrand L, Esteves R, Rivera-Rebella C & Goebel ME (2022) Sharing is caring: Social perception of the interactions between human activities and the Juan Fernandez fur seal (Arctocephalus philippii). The Society for Marine Mammology. 24th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, December 2021, Palm Beach-Florida, USA.


Castillo-González V, Borras-Chavez R, Hiriart-Bertrand L, Michael Goebel, Vergara V, Rivera-Rebella C & Farina JM (2022) Census of the Juan Fernandez fur seal (Arctocephalus philippii) using unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs): Preliminary results on the assessment of animal disturbance and limitations when using different UAVs models. The Society for Marine Mammology. 24th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, December 2021, Palm Beach-Florida, USA.


Naretto, J., J. Troncoso., C. Vargas., & L. Hiriart-Bertrand (2020) Traditional ecological knowledge and small-scale fisheries, it's potential to improve efficiency in sampling design for multi-species management. 6th International Marine Conservation Conference (IMCC), October 2020, Kiel, Germany.
Correa, A. (2018) Towards Self Governance of Rapanui?: The impacts of the ILO 169 Convention on Eastern Island`s politics and policy. VIII Conference “Voices of the Pacific in a Globalised World, University of Canterbury, Nueva Zelanda.


Maturana C.S., Rosenfeld S., Naretto J., Convey P. & Poulin E. Distribution of the genus Boeckella (Copepoda: Centropagidae) at high latitudes in South America and the main Antarctic biogeographic regions. SFECOLOGIE 2018, International Conference on Ecological Sciences, October 2018, Rennes, France.


Naretto J., Hüne, M., González-Wevar, C., Kraft, S., Gerard, K., Saucéde, T., Miya T. & E. Poulin. Biogeography of Harpagifer in the Southern Ocean. IX Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Antártica, Octubre, 2017. Punta Arenas, Chile.


Hiriart-Bertrand, L. & Vargas, C.I. Moving towards the Implementation of New-Right Based Management for Coastal Indigenous Communities in Chile. 4th International Marine Protected Areas Congress/IMPAC4. 4-9 Septiembre 2017. La Serena, Chile.


Hiriart-Bertrand, L. & Vargas, C.I. Towards the Implementation of New-Right Based Management for Coastal Indigenous Communities in Chile. 28th International Congress for Conservation Biology. 23-27 Julio 2017. Cartagena, Colombia


Naretto, J., Hüne, M., González-Wevar, C., Kraft, S., Miya, T., Saucéde, T. & E. Poulin. Breakaway from Antarctica: quaternary diversification of the genus Harpagifer in the Southern Ocean. XIIth SCAR biology symposium, Julio 2017. Leuven, Belgium.


Vargas, C.I., Donoso, G., Cervantes, J., Becker, F., & Hiriart-Bertrand, L. Usos y Actividades Proyectadas en Espacios Costeros Marinos de los Pueblos Originarios (ECMPO): Resguardo Territorial, Conservación Biocultural, Administración Colectiva y Productividad Sustentable. XXXVII Congreso de Ciencias del Mar. 22-26 Mayo 2017. Valparaíso, Chile.


Hiriart-Bertrand, L. & Vargas, CI. Espacios Costeros Marinos de los Pueblos Originarios: Historia, Oportunidades y Desafíos para el Desarrollo del Borde Costero en Chile. XXXVI Congreso de Ciencias del Mar de Chile. 23-27 Mayo 2016. Concepción, Chile.


Ramos, S., Vargas, C.I., Hiriart-Bertrand, L. Marine plastic debris: a largely domestic issue. XXXVI Congreso de Ciencias del Mar de Chile. May 2016. Concepción, Chile.


Correa, A., Ramirez M.S., Vargas, C.I, Hiriart-Bertrand, L. Creating and managing developed marine protected areas in Chile: an analysis of the gaps and challenges. XXXVI Congreso de Ciencias del Mar de Chile. May 2016. Concepcion, Chile.


Ramirez M,S., Ramos, S., Vargas, C.I., Hiriart-Bertrand, L. Integrating social and economic approaches to identify financing mechanisms for the establishment of marine protected areas in Chile. XXXVI Congreso de Ciencias del Mar de Chile. May 2016. Concepcion, Chile.


Naretto, J., Hüne, M., González-Wevar, C., Kraft, S., Miya, T., Saucéde, T. & E. Poulin. Dejando Antártica: diversificación cuaternaria de Harpagifer Richardson, 1844 (PERCIFORME: NOTOTHENIOIDEI) en el Océano Austral. X Reunión Anual Sociedad Chilena de Evolución. Noviembre, 2016. Concón, Chile.


Naretto, J., Poulin, E., Hüne, M., Kraft, S., Saucède, T., Féral, J.P. & C. González-Wevar. Diversification of the spiny plunderefish Harpagifer in the Southern Ocean. VIII Southern Connection Congress. Enero, 2016, Punta Arenas, Chile.


Correa, A. (2016) Ley 20.930: Nuevo Derecho real de conservación. XIX Diálogo Ambiental, Escuela de Derecho Universidad de Chile, Julio 2016.
Poulin E., González-Wevar C., Hüne M., Díaz A., Gérard K. & J. Naretto. Divergence between Antarctic and South American marine fauna from: a molecular approach. VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Ciencia Antártica, Octubre, 2015, Montevideo, Uruguay.


Poulin E., Hüne M., Naretto J., Feral J.-P., & C. González-Wevar. Recent Diversification of Harpagifer in the Southern Ocean. ISAES XII – 12th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences. July 2015, Goa, India.


Vargas, C., Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Donoso, D., Hiriart, JP., & Donoso, G. Espacios Costeros Marinos de Pueblos Originarios: Una Oportunidad para la Conservación Biocultural Marina en Chile. XXXV Congreso de Ciencias del Mar de Chile. 22-26 May 2015. Coquimbo, Chile.


Hiriart-Bertrand, L. Conservation of the Sympatric Population of Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in Chile. The Rufford Small Grant Conference in South America. 27-29 May 2015, Quintay, Chile.


Hiriart-Bertrand, L. Considerations for Creating a Marine Protected Area for Spheniscus Penguins in Southern Chile. Symposium Centre for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. June 2012. San Diego, California, EEUU.


Pütz, K., Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Raya Rey, A., Simeone, A., Reyes Arriagada, R., Riquelme, V., and Luthi, B. Post moult Dispersal of Sympatrically Breeding Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in Southern Chile. 1st World Seabird Conference. 7-11 September 2011. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.


Gonzales, A., Beltrán, J., Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Flores, V., De Reviers, B., Correa, J.L. and Santelices, B. Identification of Cryptic Species in the Lessonia nigrescens Complex (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales). LIV Reunión Anual de la Sociedad de Biología de Chile. 6-10 November 2011. Puerto Varas, Chile.


Hiriart-Bertrand, L. and Simeone, A. Sympatric Distribution of Magellanic and Humboldt Penguins in Southern Chile: Ecological Implications of Coexistence and Hybridization. 7th International Penguin Conference. August 30-September 3. Boston 2010, Massachusetts, EE.UU.


Raya Rey, A., Pütz, K, Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Simeone, A., Reyes Arriagada, R., Riquelme, V., and Luthi, B. Foraging Behaviour During Chick Rearing of Sympatrically Breeding Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in Southern Chile. 7th International Penguin Conference. August 30- September 3, 2010. Boston, Massachusetts, EE.UU.


Pütz, K., Hiriart-Bertrand, L., Raya Rey, A., Simeone, A., Reyes Arriagada, R., Riquelme, V., and Luthi, B. Post moult Dispersal of Sympatrically Breeding Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins in Southern Chile. 7th International Penguin Conference. August 30-September 3 2010. Boston, Massachusetts, EE.UU.

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