Ecosystemic Management

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Over the past 20 years, the effects of climate change, increased fishing pressure, pollution from anthropogenic effects, and variations in biodiversity have captured the interest of researchers globally. It has been established that these events will not only have consequences for populations of natural resources but will also change the way coastal communities interact with the sea throughout history. The ecosystem management program seeks to understand the dynamics between natural and social systems in order to provide adaptability in the face of large-scale environmental alterations. From a comprehensive point of view, we are evaluating the ecosystem services (ESS) from which coastal communities’ benefit, identifying the environmental and socio-economic factors that regulate this interaction.
Our approaches during implementation provide the ideal framework for the development of management proposals from an ecosystem perspective. Therefore, we propose and validate sustainable management actions based on the well-being of the coastal communities that manage them. The ecosystem management program brings together a large part of the research programs developed by Costa Humboldt. It is here where our work becomes transdisciplinary and leads to a cross-cutting approach to environmentally and socially sustainable development.
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